Automated Keypad Entry Commands
*0 Operator Assistance
*2 Start/Stop Recording (available to the leader)
• System will then ask you to press *1 to start or *2 to return to the conference
• Follow instructions given by the automated system
• When ready to stop the recording, press *2 again
*3 Start/Stop Playback (only plays back the last recording made)
*4 Toggles (Increase Audio Volume)
*5 Toggles Lecture Mode on and off (available to leader only)
• Places all guests on mute while leader speaks. Leader can then use *5 again to open up the call to everyone
*6 Toggles Self Mute for any participant, on and off
*7 Toggles Conference Secure (available to leader only)
• Secures the conference so that no one else may join
*8 Play Roll Call
*9 Stop Roll Call