Argentina Global Conference Calling Tips

Buenos Aires Catalinas imageIf you’re in Argentina, or if you have colleagues or partners in Argentina, global conference calling is a great way to communicate with a group from around the world.

While you’re likely familiar with hosting regular conference calls, use the tips below to get the most out of Argentina global conferencing.

  1. Sign up for an international conference calling plan. While you could theoretically host an Argentina conference call from your main office, your international participants need a convenient means of dialing in. Requiring callers from other countries to dial an Argentina access number places a burden on them, which could discourage participation. By signing up for an Argentina global conference calling plan that supports most countries, you’ll be able to give your attendees an access number (toll free or local) specific to their countries.
  1. Use online conferencing tools to manage your global conferences. Our live conference viewer is a convenient online tool that you can use to more easily manage your conference calls as they occur. You’ll see each participant who’s on the call as well as be able to mute and unmute their lines. You can also lock your conference call once everyone’s on the line to prevent others from joining in without your knowledge. If you need to connect a participant who has not dialed in, you can do so directly from within the tool.
  1. Plan your agenda. Nearly all successful meetings start with a well-planned agenda. The same is true of global conference calls. Plan your meeting out on paper first to ensure that you allot sufficient time to cover each agenda item. If your call is getting too lengthy on paper, consider splitting the conference call into a series of shorter calls.
  1. Consider time differences. Global time differences make scheduling conference calls challenging. For example, while it may be Monday morning in Argentina, it’s still Sunday night in other parts of the world. Use a world time zone map to help find the best time for your global group conference call.
  1. Record your conference calls. It’s often helpful to record your conference call. Not only can you review the recording afterward, you could retain it for legal or historic purposes. Recording Argentina conference calls with our international conferencing service is a simple matter. Though international laws vary as far as recording disclosures, it’s considered a good practice to inform participants that the call is being recorded.
  1. Share your recording (if appropriate). Depending on the nature of the conference call, you may want to share your recording with participants, absentees, or even future participants. For example, if the conference call’s purpose was to train your customer service agents, you could share the recording with attendees so that they can review the information as needed. Likewise, your future hires could benefit from listening to the recording. On the other hand, if the call was confidential in nature, you’ll want to secure the recording accordingly.

These are but a few tips that you can use to host more effective international conference calls in Argentina, or any country for that matter.

Do you have any tips to share? Share them with us on Facebook.

View more details about International Conference Call Argentina here